cease to be available中文什么意思

发音:   用"cease to be available"造句
  • cease:    vi. 停,终止,息。 cease ...
  • available:    adj. 1.有用的,可利用的。 2 ...
  • cease to be:    不再是
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  1. This credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficairy s drafts after 15th august
  2. This credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficiary ' s drafts after mar . 08 , 2004
  3. Over time electricity will dwindle and cease to be available to be harvested through any means
  4. If a drawing or shipment by instalments within given periods is stipulated in the credit and any instalment is not drawn or shipped within the period allowed for that instalment , the credit ceases to be available for that and any subsequent instalment
  5. If a drawing or shipment by instalments within given periods is stipulated in the credit and any instalment is not drawn or shipped within the period allowed for that instalment , the credit ceases to be available for that and any subsequent instalment


  1. cease production 什么意思
  2. cease publication 什么意思
  3. cease spark cover 什么意思
  4. cease the infringing act 什么意思
  5. cease to be 什么意思
  6. cease to be faithful 什么意思
  7. cease to do 什么意思
  8. cease to exist 什么意思
  9. cease to function 什么意思
  10. cease to have effect 什么意思


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